четвер, 1 листопада 2012 р.

Fur collars: original or faux?

As a big vintage lover and real woman I LOVE fur. I'm not sure it's time to buy a fur coat - it's incredibly expensive and heavy and needs proper shoes and maybe car :) Hard to imagine a lady in a fur coat early in the morning in the tube. So right now I can't afford myself this precious stuff. But I can afford fur collars! Real, faux - it doesn't really matters, since it's beautiful by itself. In my Tweed run post you saw my handmade fox fur collar. Today I decided to look for some lovely vintage collars, and that's what I found.
Lovely fur collar from here.

Already sold item from allencompany


Absolutely fabulous winter coat from Mill Street Vintage

And then I found smth completely sweet :) For vegetarians, vegans and those who prefer to keep animals safe. I think it's great idea!

source - google.com

Even more! I found lovely etsy-shop Сelapiu, which sells stuff like that. 

 Ain't it sweet?

6 коментарів:

  1. OMG the faux fox stole is AMAZING. I (rather naughtily) don't have too many issues with vintage fur, but i want that stole just because it is so darn cool! And orange too : )

  2. What a splendid post! I adore vintage and faux fur, too, and love the styles you highlighted here. That knit fox is just about the cutest thing ever!

    ♥ Jessica

  3. lovely collars ... the real ones (vintage ones) look more chic but the knitted fox is just stellar. i often thought about getting a vintage fox from a flea market but i always felt a little scared about wearing a real littel animal face around the neck ... this knitted fox could be the answer. ... where can i get this fun reddish guy?!

    1. Well, this fun reddish guy is made by unknown person, probably somewhere in Russia.
      You can look for similar guys here http://www.etsy.com/shop/celapiu?ref=seller_info
      or find talented person, who can knit you the same one. Good luck! :)
